June 11-23: Red Wing Plein Air Festival, Red Wing, MN

Aug 7-19: Research and painting trip to southwest England

Sept. 11:Workshop, Grand Marais Plein Air Festival, Grand Marais, MN

Sept. 10-19: Grand Marais Plein Air Festival, Grand Marais, MN

Sept. 16-Oct. 29: Johnson Heritage Post, Annual Grand Marais Plein Air Exhibition, Grand Marias, MN

Oct. 5-9: Pastel Workshop, Peninsula School of Art, Fish Creek, WI


January 27-May 26: “Moments of Memory: Minnesota Landscapes Painted from Life”, Group show, Bell Museum of Natural History, St. Paul, MN

May 17-19: Art-a-Whirl, Studio Pintura, 1500 Jackson St NE,#294 Minneapolis, MN

May 24-July 19: “Inviting Pots/Compelling Paintings”,Two person show, Raymond Avenue Gallery, 763 Raymond Ave., St. Paul, MN

Sept 6-14: Plein Air Grand Marais, Grand Marais, MN

Sept 12: Workshop: Oil Painting Test Kitchen, Plein Air Grand Marais, Grand Marais, MN

Sept 13-0ct 6, Plein Air Grand Marais, Johnson Heritage Post Art Gallery,115 W. Wisconsin StGrand Marais, MN